Gimme a Giveaway: Miles of Light Winner!

Happy Earth Day to all!  We had fun reading which bird you’d all be.  If I had to choose, I would love to be a combination of three, an owl for their wisdom, a penguin for their fun personality and peacock for beauty.  Who wouldn’t want to have brains, beauty and a personality to boot?

Getting down to business, the winner of the Miles of light giveaway is number 42, Ashley.  Congratulations!

Do you do anything special for Earth day?  When we were in elementary school, every student received a tiny pine tree.  We planted ours and it thrived until last winter when a huge snow storm broke the top half right off.  Do they still give out trees?  Are you going to plant something?  Maybe a vegetable garden?  A rain garden?

Clothes the Door: A Bedroom Story

You know we’re participating in Jen’s 30 in 30 challenge.  We’ve already shared our living room and kitchen progress.  We stuck to the schedule and focused on the bedroom.  How did we do?  On Tuesday, we woke up to six inches of snow, but we made our own fun by purging clothes from our bedrooms and dressing up, just for kicks.  I mentioned Mr. Packrat, aka Ben, actually got rid of stuff.  This folks, is rather rare.  While he’s quick to toss my stuff, Ben keeps things because he might use or need it someday.  Five years of someday have passed, so, Tuesday was the day.  For your viewing pleasure, our pile of clothing.

Ben’s stack consisted of:

5 sweatshirts

5 pairs of shorts (or short pants, if you’re my dad)

5 baseball hats

1 cowboy hat

1 Indiana Jones hat

2 belts

3 pairs of pants

2 dress shirts

2 jackets (the man has 6!)

Socks and underwear, which we didn’t donate, just to clarify.

So, 26 items for Ben, which is major progress.  What did I donate?

4 pairs of jeans

1 pair of shorts, which Ben wore for his Reno 911 costume.

8 short-sleeved tops

11 long-sleeved tops

1 bathing suit

25 articles of clothing for me.  I think Ben donated one more thing just so he could win.  So, counting the 31 items (94, if we count individually) from the kitchen, and the desk, floor lamp, bag of books and bag of clothes we sent back to Minnesota with my parents we’ve purged 86 items so far.  Wahoo!  If only I could lose weight this quickly…

And thanks everyone for your interest in the kitchen organizer.  I sold it to the first person to contact me about it.  Sorry, I didn’t realize it would be such a hot item.

So, how are your purging efforts going?  Which room do you find the most difficult?  The easiest?  Are you a sentimental hoarder?  Do you keep something just because it was a gift?  Have you donated or sold something and now regret it?  Or do you have a good riddance mentality?

Guest Posting

Guess what, guys?  We’re sharing one of our projects over on The CSI Project today.  The theme this week is reduce, reuse, recycle.  Want to see what we did with this?

You do?  Good.  Stop by to see what we created.

Morning Glory

Because I’m typing this, you can’t sense the sarcasm in that title.  This morning is not very glorious.  Do you want to see what I woke up to?  Now that I baited you with sarcasm?


Up to 6 inches in areas!  While I fully understand that I do not live in the tropics and flurries are bound to fly, I can’t help but be annoyed with Mother Nature.  Seriously, does she know it is the middle of April?  I doubt she pays taxes, so she might not grasp time frames.  I probably wouldn’t be as annoyed if Mother hadn’t baited me with temps in or near the 70’s.  Or if Ben were working today, squashing our plans to get some building done.  This manic-depressive weather is driving me crazy.  And, if she’s depressed, can it please rain, not snow?  From now until we have temps in the 70’s I shall refer to her as evil step-mother nature.  We may or may not have this same discussion when our weather is consistently hovering around 100 with no chance of rain.

Rant over.  Moral of the story.  I dislike snow in April, I don’t care how pretty it looks. I need something to brighten my day.  So, Ben and I sorted through our clothes while V and E dressed up in some of Ben’s ridiculous hats. 

No, the hats were not part of Halloween costumes.

To make organizing more fun, Ben got in on the dress up action.  First he threw on a cowboy hat, sleeve guards, and a holster à la John Wayne.

After fulfilling his cowboy duties, he became a cop, a la Reno 911’s Jim Dangle.

Yeah, we had some fun this morning.  And, Mr. Packrat actually got rid of a lot of stuff, but we’ll share that later.

What makes you happy?  Checking a project off your list?  Lazy days spent watching movies?  Have you seen Morning Glory?  Serious crush developing on Patrick Wilson.  Anyone else?  Who is your celeb crush?  Along with my new found fondness for Patrick Wilson, I really love Dermot Mulroney.  Have you seen The Family Stone?  His name is Everett, where we first heard the name and loved it so much, two years later, we gave the name to our baby boy.  True story.  Were you named after anyone?

Oh, We’re Half Way There

Oh oh, livin’ on a prayer.  Bon Jovi, also known as greatest hair band ever, how I love thee.  You are the soundtrack to my life, sort of.  We are half way there, but we’re not livin’ on a prayer.  There being Jen, my blog BFF and genius behind IHeart Organizing‘s 30 in 30 challenge. I know I show a lot of my thrifty (and sometimes not so thrifty) buying, but I’ve never shown what we donate.  Well, that’s about to change.  Let’s see how we’ve done.

First, we started with the entry closet, where we didn’t get rid of anything.  Now, let me explain.  Our closet is small, so out of season (winter coats and boots) and seldom used items (my heels and Ben’s dress shoes) are stored in our bedroom.  I also sort through that closet regularly, so not much that we don’t use or need stays in there.

So, I moved on to our living room.  Again, Ben and I don’t have much that we don’t like or use in there.  But, Vincent and Everett do.  Toys, toys and more toys.  I’m so sick of cleaning up toys!  If you follow us on Facebook, you already know that.  I attacked the toys, showing no mercy.  Anything that hasn’t been played with recently went to the donate pile.  Broken toys got thrown away.  We don’t have anything to sell because we sent our expecting brother and sister-in-law home with anything worth keeping.  No pictures of this because I had to hide everything to prevent Vincent claiming everything as his to keep.

Shortly before this challenge, we donated all the VHS movies we had, seeing as we don’t even own a VCR.  I also put all of our music on the computer, so we donated most of our cds, keeping our favorites for road trips.

For week two, we picked up the pace.  Kitchens seem to store so much, but a lot is unnecessary for everyday.  Things that I’ve been holding onto simply because they were from my great grandma, our old set of plates and glasses, just in case, utensils because we might need them.  That had to go.  After about 30 minutes, kid corralling included, I had our table filled with items to sell or donate.

Right there, we’ve got 25 items, if we count groups of similar items as one.  How about a list?

  • 9 large IKEA glasses.  We broke three and I can’t stand not having a complete set.  Unfortunately, IKEA stopped selling that style, so we bought different glasses about two years ago.  Let me repeat, two years ago!
  • 9 small IKEA glasses.  We broke one, and I decided to keep two because they work well as vases.
  • 1 wine glass, the rest have been broken.  Are you noticing a trend?

  • 6 dinner plates, we had 8 before two were, you guessed it, broken.
  • 8 salad plates
  • 1 sugar jar.  We don’t drink coffee, why do we have this?  Oh right, someone gave it to us.
  • 2 cake stands, that we never use.  Who has cake long enough to put it on a pedestal?
  • 6 plastic floral place mats.  Grabby handed boys + place mats = food mess on my rug.  Not good.
  • 6 gold place mats
  • 2 children’s place mats
  • 2 tattered table runners from my great grandma.  I might try to re purpose these.  Any ideas?
  • 1 rustic wine rack.  Ben isn’t sophisticated to drink wine from bottles, only lovely boxed wine.  I don’t drink.
  • 1 votive holder

  • 3 outdoor plates
  • 6 matching plastic cups
  • 6 green plastic cups.  Why is the Target dollar section so appealing?
  • 1 salt and pepper shaker set
  • 2 small gravy boats
  • 1 blender, the base broke and we kept the glass.  Why?
  • 1 vintage paper towel, aluminum foil, saran wrap, and wax paper holder, from my great grandma.  We’ve never used this, but I love the look of it.  Sadly, I think it is time to let it go.  Unless I can find a use for it in our laundry room?  Ideas, creative folks?
  • 1 pain in the butt puzzle.  I’m sick of picking it up.
  • 1 glass candlestick holder

Individually, we’ve exceeded 75 kitchen items!  Wahoo!  Then, when Ben returned home from work, he chased the kids around.  I found even more to get rid of.
  • 2 wooden bowls
  • 1 glass bowl
  • 1 drawer of utensils
  • 1 small baking dish
  • 1 platter
  • 2 colanders/strainers
  • 1 salad bowl
  • Miscellaneous, mis-matched plastic food storage bins.
  • 8 vintage, hand embroidered cloth napkins
I also tossed about 5 every-page-filled coloring books into the recycling and dried up markers to the trash.  After all that purging, we have two drawers and one cabinet completely open.  One empty drawer opens to the dining room, where we had Vincent’s craft supplies.  I put it to better use to store our napkins, which is much more convenient than getting up to go to the kitchen for a napkin.
I always imagined walking down the hall to see Vincent’s art covering my walls and furniture.  This should put my fears to rest.  Vincent can’t grab his craft supplies without my help opening the cabinet below.  Pre purge, this cabinet stored the food processor, waffle iron, outdoor plates and place mats, leaving no room for craft supplies.
If we ever get around to renovating our kitchen, we’ll have less junk to move around.
Now, I have to decide how I would like to dispose of said items.  I usually donate everything to Goodwill, but I might list the whole lot on my friend Craig’s infamous list.  Though, I could list the vintage items in my Etsy shop.  Or, I might host my first garage sale and try to sell a few larger items, like the Bowflex, Total Gym, captain’s bed, and bookshelf we’re currently storing in the large basement bedroom.  If you are interested in any of the items, please send me an e-mail at
Have you made any purging progress?  Do you have any tips, secrets, or a process to purge items?  When I was younger, my mom made my sisters and I spend an entire day, once a year, removing everything(!) from our closets, throwing things away and organizing before we could do anything fun.  Is your mom evil like that?  Just kidding, I love you, mom!  Maybe you want to be evil like that to your kids (or husband?)?  What room or rooms, have the most clutter in your home?  Are you a garage sale guru?  How do you price the items you’d like to sell?
*Update:   We have sold the kitchen organizer and embroidered napkins.  Thank you for your interest!