A Productive Weekend

As you know, we’ve finally decided to finish our laundry room.  Well, part of it.  We can’t finish all of it due to the nature of utility rooms.  Last weekend Ben hung sheet rock and we ordered a new washer and dryer set.  During the week, Ben taped and applied two coats of mud to cover the sheet rock seams and holes.  We took a few steps toward completion this weekend, too. 

On Saturday, Ben laid the tile.  The pattern is a continuation of the pin wheel pattern throughout the rest of the basement. 

Vincent made sure the tiles were evenly spaced, too.

Talk about OCD…  We have a drain in the back right corner, so Ben tiled around it.  It will be hidden under his desk anyway.

Our washer and dryer were set to be delivered on Thursday, March 3, but we got a call on Friday from the fine folks at Home Depot informing us they were in the local store.  With the tile in place, Ben got a bug up his butt to pick the washer and dryer up, rather than wait for the delivery.  So, around 10:30 yesterday morning, Ben and Vincent went to Home Depot, with a spring in their step.  While Ben was away, I listed our old Kenmore (non matching) washer and dryer set on Craigslist. 

When Ben came home, he had our brand spankin’ new washer and dryer in the truck as well as two adjustable closet rods and a 9 foot by 12 foot drop cloth.  We’ll share the deets on those later.  Ben lugged the old machines up from the basement and out to our driveway.  We figured if no one bought the old set, we’d donate them.  As Ben was hauling the new washer in, his phone rang.  Someone was interested in the old set!  They said they would come over later in the day to look at them. 

Then, Ben filled the basement landing with loving loaded the new washer and dryer to the basement, after some measuring and careful maneuvering. 

The potential buyers looked at the old set around 3:00 in the afternoon.  Oddly enough, they saw the listing on Craigslist, but lived three doors down from us.  Not like the band, either.  So, they bought the mis-matched set and Ben pushed them down the sidewalk to help the new owners move them in. 

After moving the old washer and dryer out, the new set in and selling the old set, Ben also grouted the tile. 

 Once that dries, we’ll move stack the new washer and dryer to put in place.  That’s one small step for Ben, one giant leap for the laundry room.  Tomorrow, we’ll give a price breakdown and the smokin’ deal on the new set.

P.S.  Here are a few shots of the area that will stay unfinished. 

Our geothermal unit is at the far left and the bright blue monstrosity is a pressure tank.

The tankless water heater is in the back corner as well as our electrical panel.  Do you see that white machine with tile against it?  That is the steam generator that will live in here once the steam shower is started finished.

There you have it.  An update on our laundry room.  Did you check anything off your to do list?  We have some laundry to do.

8 thoughts on “A Productive Weekend

  1. Productive? I did a load of laundry this weekend and I thought THAT was productive. Now I feel like a slob 😛

    Can’t wait for the before and after pictures!

  2. Can’t wait to hear the deal you got on the new set. I just finished our taxes, so we’re also in the market for a new washer and dryer! Our current front loaders are great, they are just noisy and don’t stack. And with our small laundry room right off the kitchen, a new set will definitely be better!

  3. I read your blog now and again and I really like it! I’ve never commented before so here goes: Your boy’s bedroom is sooo adorable, I love the yellow bed and the pictures on the ledges and the owls. You create the cutest pillows with your sewing machine, it made me buy one… I just don’t know how to use it!!! I love all the B&B you guys did throughout the house. And the laundry room progress is great, things are really coming along! I guess what I’m trying to say overall is that I really like your style & your blog is fun and inviting, keep it up!

  4. Looking great! Your little tile helper is adorable. And yay for Craigslist! Can’t wait to see what you do with the backdrop you mentioned.

    1. Thanks everyone!

      Corie, Thank you for all of your sweet comments about our home. I’m sl glad you’re going to try sewing! It just takes a little reading of the manual and practice. It definitely helps if you know someone to show you, too. Happy sewing!

      Nicole, I hear you on the desire for a stacking set!

  5. looking great! I can’t believe your husband is able to move around those huge appliances on our own!

    I’m interested in your thoughts about the on-demand water heater–we have to replace ours soon!

    1. Hey Carole! I know. It’s crazy to watch him move them. Usually I can’t do a whole lot to move things and I seem to get in the way or go too slow.

      We LOVE our on demand water heater. Ours is a Rinnai and we have had it for 5 years and have had no issues. As long as your water pressure can handle it, you don’t run out of hot water. Highly recommended!

  6. (oops, I meant able to move appliances on *his* own, should not comment before caffeine has kicked in 🙂

    thanks for the information, I’m excited to look into the Rinnai!

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